Retractable Awnings

While glass awnings, polycarbonate awnings, and ACP awnings are cool and sleek, not every homeowner or business owner wants shade all the time, especially if it makes the interior too dark.

A lot of times, business owners don’t want an awning either except when there’s rain and there’s a need for shelter.

Either way, retractable awnings are widely used and valued for the flexibility and control they bring.

Retractable awnings also have a unique aesthetic that other materials like glass, metal, and so on just can’t imitate.

Just as how glass looks sleek and ACP looks modern and grounded, with its moving parts, retractable awnings bring a modern feel to your business or home, and give off the impression of keeping up with the times.

And unlike glass, polycarbonate, ACP, metal, and so on, that generally tend to look the same, retractable awnings, being fabric, can come in just about any design and color that you want.

You can have your business logo and colours on it, you can put a cartoon design on it for your kids, or you can make it all black to suit your
patio or home’s aesthetic.

And of course, when it’s not in use, it can be retracted. This means your home or business can potentially have two different aesthetics, one with and one without the awning.

For the retractable awning system, there are two options to choose from–motorized and manual.

While many people think that motorized systems are inherently better than manual ones, the answer is actually that it depends.

Motorized systems definitely bring a ton of benefits. Not only do they require pretty much zero effort to operate, but more advanced systems can even be controlled remotely.

This can be particularly helpful if you’re running a business that doesn’t always allow you to freely move around to reach the awning.

Or if you have children who may lack the strength or height to operate manual retractable awnings, motorized ones will take care of that for you.

Still, it’s not without its downsides.

The most obvious one is that motorized systems will have higher installation costs. This may or may not be a huge issue, as many people see it as a worthy investment for the convenience it brings.

However, motorized systems also have problems like more regular maintenance being required due to the complexity of the system and electronic components. This complexity also translates to more expensive repair costs if necessary.

And another issue with motorized awnings is their reliance on electricity. In the event that there’s a power outage, your retractable awning will become inoperable.

In short, motorized systems are more expensive to install and maintain, and have more areas for failure.

Now for manual systems, the main issue will be more effort and you having to physically be there to operate the system.

Otherwise, they generally beat motorized systems in other aspects. Installation and maintenance costs are lower, they won’t fail in the event of a power outage, and there’s no risk of failure from electronic components since there aren’t any.

At the end of the day, the choice boils down to zero effort but higher costs and more potential for malfunction, or more effort but lower costs and less potential for malfunction.

Whichever one you choose though, you can count on us for high-quality installation. We’ve been installing awnings since 2013, and we’re proud to be one of the longest-established
retractable awning contractors in Singapore.

Give us a call today at 6635 3550 or 9091 0110 and let’s get your retractable awning installation underway.

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